Thursday, November 21, 2019

(Risk Management -Global Perspectives on Risk) Q- Globalisation has Coursework

(Risk Management -Global Perspectives on Risk) Q- Globalisation has led to a significant degree of convergence in markets and in - Coursework Example "Globalization" is understood as a source to bring in major increases in the world trade along with trade exchanges within an open, integrated economy that would span across borders. Remarkable growth has been observed in such form of trade or exchanges that had been observed not only within the traditional international trade of goods and services, but was also observed in the exchanges of country currencies, in various capital movements and many more. One aspect featuring the extent in globalization has been the volume in international financial transactions that peaks over $1.2 trillion every day as per the New York currency markets (Intriligator, 2003, p.4). Globalization has also led to greater openness within the international economies resulting in integration across worldwide markets. A second aspect of globalization has been the liberalization of trade and other different forms in economic liberalization. This has resulted in reductions in the trade protection norms thus est ablishing a more free world trading system (Intriligator, 2003, p.5). The third aspect of globalization has been the changes as seen in the institutions where the organizations had wider reach apart from the technological advancements and the wider horizons for the managers that were facilitated by the advances made in communications (Intriligator, 2003, p.6). ... d trend in bringing together the lower economies of the world by increasing world trade would contribute in capital mobility as well as the global operations in the multinational companies that would propel technological changes, even out the wage and productivity differences across economies. The term â€Å"convergence† has been found to have an ambiguous definition. As had been mentioned by Daniel Drezner â€Å"the scholarly work on this subject is spread across multiple disciplines, including law, economics, political science and sociology. The problem leads to a certain redundancy in theory building, as disciplinary boundaries prevent ideas from spreading across fields† (GAHAN, et al. p.8). The increase in the imports and the exports seen in the overall output level provides a clear picture of the extent the globalization has spread across the goods markets. Foreign goods are now available in all countries today than was not seen previously. This was the proof for t he product market expansions due to globalization. Though globalization has led to an integration of the global markets and reducing labor costs, it is also believed in some literature that that globalization had increased the unemployment situation and widened the levels of income disparity (Slaughter & Swagel, 1997, p.6). An important trend that has been observed in the labor markets present in the advanced countries has been the rapid shift in the demand moving from less skilled workers to the better skilled ones. This trend had led to a dramatic increase in wages and the income inequality observed between the two sets of workers found in some country, along with the unemployment levels as amongst the less skilled workers in different countries. What explains the differences in outcomes for wages and

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